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HIRAMEKI FT: Fusion Technology HYBRID Uniform Set

Regular price $385.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $385.00 CAD

The Hirameki FT (Fusion Technology) by Matsukan Kougyou – a Budogu manufacturer with over 100 years of history – is the pinnacle of modern and traditional Budogu technology.

One of the first ‘hybrid’ uniforms on the market, the Hirameki FT synthesizes horizontal synthetic polyester with vertical Sho-Aizome cotton, resulting in a perfectly balanced, lightweight uniform. The luxuriously dark shade of Aizome blends perfectly with the indigo polyester, allowing the uniform to fade slower than its traditional Aizome counterparts, without the artificial look of standard synthetic Kendogi and Hakama.

The Hirameki FT: Fusion Technology HYBRID Uniform Setcontains the following:

Please note: This product is dyed using genuine Japanese Aizome, and the color will leak/stain objects and the wearer.